在f2的学习中,absorption of overhead and fixed overhead volume variance 是一个难点。在这篇文章中,小编将这个知识点剖析给你,希望同学们都可以克服这个这座大山,顺利通过f2的考试,在备考acca的道路上越走越远。
consider a company with budgeted fixed production overheads of $10,000 for the coming year. if budget output for the year was 1,000 units, the company could use a fixed production overhead absorption rate ( foar ) of :
= (budget fixed production overhead)/(budget units)=$10 per units
下面,基于上述的案例背景,小编将通过函数图的形式为讲述under/over absorption 的本质。
图一所表示的实际情况是:根据absorption costing的方法,actual overhead is absorbed correctly.
1.actual activity = budgeted activity
2.actual overheads = budgets overheads
同时,也就是说,以上任何一个条件不满足时,under or over absorption 就会出产生。即:在absorption costing方法下,actual overhead 与 absorbed overhead based on foar 是不一样的。
情景一: actual activity is greater than budget activity and actual overhead expenditure is as budgeted.
假设: actual output for the year was 1,200 units, and actual fixed production overhead is the same as budgeted ($10,000)
假设:actual overhead 与 budgeted overhead相同时,当actual activity 大于 budget activity 时, absorbed overhead 大于 actual overhead. (over absorption)同理,当actual activity 小于 budget activity 时,absorbed overhead小于 actual overhead. (under absorption)
情景二:actual activity is greater than budgeted activity (leading to over absorption). at the same time actual overhead is lower than budgeted overhead (also leading to over absorption).
假设:actual fixed production overheads was $7,000 for the year. and actual output for the year was 1,200 units.
the over absorption ( the difference between absorbed and actual )由两部分构成:
absorbed overhead 与 budgeted overhead 之间的差额(caused by activity difference)
budgeted production overhead 与 actual production overhead之间的差额
over & under absorption
1)the difference between actual production overhead and budgeted production overhead (纵坐标)
2)he difference between actual activity and budgeted activity. (横坐标)
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