12月acca f8考前知识点梳理 预测-凯发网站


12月acca f8考前知识点梳理 预测
作者:admin 发布时间:2017-09-21 11:41


section a:3个case的mcq,每个case有5道小题,每道小题2分,一共3*5*2=30分

section b:q16为30分 q17为20分 q18为20分=70分

professional mark:independent auditor’s report的格式


1.element of assurance engagement:crest

·criteria;report;evidence;subject matter;three party relationship

2.reasonable assurance与limited assurance

·reasonable assurance positive external audit

·limited assurance negative review

3.limitation of audit审计的局限性


true:factual,reality,confirms with required standards&law,correctly extracted from books and records

fair:clear impartial free from bias reflect commercial substance

5.value for money:选择题 定义

6.auditor’s rights&duty★考简答题

·d12 q2a

·d08 q2b

7.fraud(professional scepticism)

·j12 q2b

·j12 q3a


·d11 q1c


·定义:d11 q4a

·运用:j14 q4b;d11 q4b



·4 committee(audit、risk、remuneration、nomination)

·ia factors

·director subject to re-elect(ft300:annual;other;every 3 year)

·audit committee:好坏处

10.fundamental principles:integrity;objectivity;professional competence&due care;confidentiality;professional behavior


·obligation disclosure:money-laundering;treason drug-traffficking;terrorist

·voluntary disclosure



·march 2017 q16 10分

·j13 q2a

·j10 q4a

·d13 q4c

·j12 q3b


·14-specimen paper q1a

12.conflict of interest

·member’s vs client:j14 q3d

·different clients:j11 q4a




·d13 q4a

·d10 q3a

14.conflict of the audit engagement letter


·d13 q4b

·j11 q2b

15.internal audit

·scope and function of ia:j13 q5d;d10 q1d

o vfm review

o it system review

o cash forecast/control

o regulatory compliance

·assessing the need for ia:d12 q3c

o benefit of ia:j08 q4b优缺点

o outsourcing the ia function:j14 q4a;j11 q4b;j08 q4a

·difference between ia&ea:j 12 q1d;j09 q4a

16.audit plan importance/benefit

·d14 q1a

·j12 q2a

·audit strategy:d13 q1c;09.16 specimen paper q16c

17.interim vs final audit

·j14 q1b

·j12 q1e

·planning ra toc sp p/l a/c

·sp b/s sp p/l a/c completion&review;issue audit report

18.benefit of audit documentation

·j14 q2b

·d10 q2c

19.working paper

·j12 q3c

20.isa 620 using the work of expert

·d14 q6a

·d13 q5b

·j11 q5b

21.rely on ia’s work

·d11 q1e

·independence(who ia report to)audit committee

·technical competence:qualification(eg:acca)

·due professional care


22.audit risk★★

·march 2017 q16a

·09-16-specimen paper q16 a(5)

·d13 q1a

·j14 q3 a

·d13 q1b

23.isa 520 ap

·j12 q5a

24.isa 320 materiality

·om:pbt 5%or revenue 1%

·j13 q 3a

·d12 q5c

·j10 q2b

25.understanding entity&its environment:what?how?

·d12 q3a

·d09 q3a

26.internal control—toc★★

·sales:d13 q3bc

·purchase:j13 q1b;d10 q1b

·payroll:j14 q1a;d11q1a

·cash:j11q1c;j10 q3b

·inventory:d14 mcq6;d12q1a

·nca:j15 q2b

·combination:march 2017 q18;specimen paper 17a;j12 q1a sales,purchase,ppe cycle;14-specimen paper q6a.......

27.internal control components:d11 q2a

28.document the understanding of control system:d14 mcq9;d13 q3a;j11 q2a

29.control activities(spamsoap):d12 q2b

·segregation of duty








30.application control:j13 q1c

·document count

·control total

·one for one checking

·review output to ev

·check digits

31.audit procedures to obtain evidence:aeiou confirmation(7)(一共7个审计程序..)


o analytical procedures

o enquiry

o inspection

o observation

o recaculation reperformance

·audit evidence-sufficient&appropriate:d09 q5c

·j13 q4a

·j11 q3a

32.isa 530 audit sampling method

·statistic sampling:random systematic monetary unit

·non-statistic sampling:haphazard block selection

·j14 q2c

33.substantive procedures★★

·定义:d13 q2a;j10 q3a

·march 2017 q17


o sp-revenue:sept 16 q16d;j15 q6a;d14 mcq4;d14 q3b;j11 q1b

o sap-completeness of income for one day:2009.06 1c

o sap-completeness of income for one year:2009.06 1c

o sp-receivables:j15 q6b;d12 q4b;j11 q1b

o d13 q1d:sp-allowance for ar

1)proof internal框算reasonableness testing

2)trend analysis

3)rate analysis

o j08 q1d

1)ar confirmation-procedure★

2)specific receivables for selection:large amount;0 balance;credit balance;old;dispute

·inventory:d14 q6b;

o inventory account:j14 q3b

o sp inventory account(before&during):d15 q6b

o sp inventory account held at third party warehouse:d11 q3c

o sp inventory valuation(ias 2 lower of cost&nrv):sept16 q17a

o sp wip valuation:sept16 specimen paper 18b;d14 q6b

o cut off after inventory count

·cash and bank:j10 q1c

o sp bank balance:j13 q1d;j10 q3c

o sp for obtaining a bank confirmation:j08 q3c

o sp bank reconciliation:j15 q6b

o cash counting

·non-current asset:

o tangible

o intangible:r&d ias 38

o sp-ppe addition:sept16 specimen paper q17b

o sp-ppe addition disposal:j16 q4a;j12 q1b

o sp-ppe-completeness:d10 q4c

o sp-ppe-rights&obligation&valuation:d10 q4c

o sp-ppe depreciation:j12 q4b

o sp-ppe revaluation:sept16 q17a

o sp capital&revenue expenditure:d13 q1d

o sp r&d expenditure:d15 q6b


o sp payroll completeness and accuracy:j14 q1c

o sap salary:d08 q1c

o sp payable:d10 q1c

o sp supplier statement reconciliation:j15 q6b

o sp tp&accruals:d12 q4b

o sp royalty charge:d09 q1c

o confirmation

·non-current liability,provision&contingencies

o sp bank loan:sept16 q17a

o sp provision:d11 q1d;j12 q4b

o sp completeness of provision&contingent liabilities:j10 q1d

·payroll:j14 q1cd;d11 q1b

o toc&sp payroll fraud:d14 q1b

·director’s emoluments:j14 q3c

·share capital and reserves

o 2016.6.4a sp equity 4’

o 2014-6-3c sp bonus payment 3’

o 2012.12.4b sp receivables payables reorganization

·2010.12.5c sp accounting estimate

·2009.12.4c sp cash flow forecasts

·2013.12.5a sp opening balance


o p/l&disclosure:occurrence;completeness;accuracy;cut-off;classification;presentation

o account balance&disclosure:existence;rights and obligation;completeness;accuracy,valuation and allocation;classification;presentation


·march 2017 q17;d14 mcq8;d12 q1c

·audit software—examples of use:march 2017 q17

·test data—examples of use

35.subsequent events

36.going concern

·management responsibility

·auditor’s responsibility

·2015.9/12 q3:indicators sp

·d14 mcq5;j14 q5b;j13 q2b;j12 q5b

37.auditor procedures——going concern

·j14 q5c

·j12 q5c

38.written representation简答题

·purpose of,procedures for,obtaining written representation:d12 q5a

·appropriateness of written representation as a form of audit evidence:d10 q5b

·contents of wr:j08 q2b

39.overall review of fs(far)


40.ias 580 management representation

·d14 mcq3

·d12 q5ab考purpose&procedures for obtain rl

·d10 q5b考对于不同会计科目的可靠性和重要性

41.audit report

·impact on the audit report

·audit opinion(共5种审计意见)

o unmodified report→①unqualified opinion

o modified report

1)unqualified opinion:with eom paragraph

2)mm inability to obtain

a.material but not pervasive②qualified(except for)③qualified(except for)



·march 2017 q17

·qualified/adverse→“basis of opinion”no kam

·disclaimer no kam

·going concern no kam

“material uncertainty in relation to going concern”paragraph

goodwill(why?how?)“opinion”paragraph ”basis of opinion


1.internal control★★

•sales ar



2.threats and safeguards★






3.audit risk

4.substantive procedure★★

•sales ar



•provisions and contingencies

5.audit report★

•结合期后事项、going concern、provisions

考试涉及的international standards on auditing(isas)

isa 200

isa 210 agreeing the terms of audit engagement

isa 230 audit documentation的重要性

isa 240 fraud★可考大题

isa 250 law&legislation★可考大题

isa 260 tcwg

isa 265 management letter★★必考 内控

isa 300可考大题

isa 315★★必考,一般与330结合

isa 320★materiality:5%的pbt或1%的revenue

isa 330 auditor’s response to assessed risk

isa 402可能考

isa 450可能考小的简答题,结合audit report

isa 500 audit evidence可能考选择题;结合part d

isa 510

isa 520分析性程序:par;sap;far

isa 530

isa 540 accounting estimates&accounting policy&disclosures

isa 560★subsequent event(case) audit report

isa 570 going concern ias 1(case) ★audit report/procedure

isa 580 written representation简答题:what;how

isa 610 using the work of internal auditor简答题:factors?

isa 700必考

isa 703 modification to the opinions

isa 706 eom paragraph

isa 701★kam communication key audit matters in the independent auditor’s report

isa 720 other information→auditor’s responsibility
